How to Protect Android Apps Against Cabassous Malware

Last updated October 14, 2024 by Appdome

Learn how to detect and protect against Cabassous Android malware in Android apps using Appdome’s no-code unified mobile app defense platform.

What is Cabassous?

Cabassous is an Android banking trojan primarily targeting users in Latin America. It spreads through malicious apps and phishing links, often posing as legitimate applications. Once installed, Cabassous performs overlay attacks by creating fake login screens on top of legitimate banking apps, tricking users into inputting their login credentials, which are then captured and sent to attackers. Additionally, it abuses Android’s accessibility services to gain permissions that allow it to intercept SMS messages, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) codes. This interception enables attackers to bypass MFA protections, facilitating Account Takeovers (ATOs).

Cabassous focuses on financial fraud and identity theft by stealing sensitive financial information, such as login credentials and credit card details, during user interactions with banking applications. Its ability to intercept communications and hijack banking sessions makes it a serious threat to mobile users, particularly those using financial apps.

How Does Appdome Protect Against Cabassous?

Taking all the above into consideration, you can use Appdome to protect against Cabassous using a combination of the following protection methods:

  • RASP – Prevents Cabassous from injecting itself into installed apps and repackaging them. Also includes anti-tampering, anti-debugging, anti-emulator, and other protections against dynamic attacks at runtime.
  • Code Obfuscation – Protects against decompiling and malicious reverse engineering.
  • Root Detection – Protects mobile apps from running on rooted devices, which bypass Android’s security controls. Rooting exposes apps to tampering, data theft, and malware by giving attackers elevated access to system files and app data.
  • Block App Overlay Attacks – Detects and prevents fake/malicious screen overlays from displaying on top of the app screen and concealing the legitimate app screen. Mobile malware and Trojans like Cabassous use overlay attacks to trick users into revealing sensitive information or performing harmful actions inadvertently.
  • Keylogging Prevention – Prevents the use of malicious keyloggers which may be used to intercept two-factor authentication codes or harvest sensitive information.
  • Prevent Accessibility Services Malware – Prevents malicious actions taken by malware that exploit Android’s AccessibilityService, which when abused can be used to intercept sensitive inputs like passwords and 2FA codes, take screenshots, and simulate user actions such as taps and swipes. This allows attackers to manipulate apps, steal data, impersonate the real user, or perform fraudulent transactions without the user’s knowledge.
  • Google Play Store Signature Validation – Protects against fake apps, clones, masquerading, which malware often do to trick users into performing harmful actions.

Each of the protections above are linked to the relevant knowledge base article for that feature, which provide detailed information about each feature and also explain how to implement the protection in your Android app.


To use Appdome’s to protect Android apps against Cabassous, you’ll need the following:

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