How to Protect Android Apps Against Joker

Last updated October 18, 2024 by Appdome

What is Joker?

Joker is a highly sophisticated Android malware known for its technical complexity and ability to adapt. It typically infiltrates devices through seemingly legitimate apps on third-party app stores, disguising itself to avoid immediate detection. Once installed, Joker operates covertly in the background, carrying out various malicious activities, including bombarding users with unwanted advertisements and, more critically, downloading and executing additional harmful payloads that further compromise the device.

One of Joker’s most dangerous features is its ability to silently subscribe users to premium services without their consent, often by intercepting SMS messages, accessing contact lists, and stealing device information. Its advanced evasion techniques, such as frequent code changes, obfuscation, and encryption, make it particularly challenging for traditional security solutions to detect and neutralize.

How does Appdome protect against Joker?

You can protect mobile apps against Joker using the following Appdome protections:

  1. Accessibility Service Malware Prevention – Defends against attacks by blocking malicious apps, detecting specific attacks, and allowing trusted services through a whitelist. Ensures that the app closes and the user receives a notification informing them about the detection and suggesting the option to turn off their Accessibility Services via the settings.
  2. Overlay Attacks & Malware Prevention – Detects and prevents screen overlays currently displaying on top of the app screen.
  3. Using Passkey Authentication – Allows users to set their phone passkey as a second security layer for the app itself. As a result, using a passkey means there is no password for would-be fraudsters to intercept.
  4. Screen Sharing Malware Prevention – Prevents taking screenshots, mirroring and sharing application’s screen, and hides application’s preview thumbnails when minimized.
  5. ATS Malware Prevention – Block malware that use Automated Transfer System (ATS) methods to hijack transactions in Android apps.
  6. Using SSO Authentication – Allow a user to sign in to multiple applications with a single login credential.

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