Appdome for Mobile Developers

Meet Cyber’s Requirements Without Missing a Release

Mobile developers have to meet security and anti-fraud requirements without sacrificing engineering freedom, development timelines, or user experience. With Appdome, mobile engineers can use AI to code security, anti-fraud, and bot defense features as plugins into Android & iOS apps fast.

Our Commitment to Mobile Engineering Teams

Engineering Freedom?

Absolutely. You Choose!

Protecting your mobile app from fraud and cyber-attacks shouldn’t limit developers’ freedom. With Appdome, build your mobile app however you like or need. Appdome will automatically build and adjust 340+ defenses to fit your app, eliminating work for your engineering team.

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Defense Experience App Illustartion

Defense Experience?

Yep, Data & Control.

Protecting your mobile app from fraud and cyber-attacks shouldn’t limit developers’ freedom. With Appdome, build your mobile app any way you like or need. Appdome will automatically build and adjust 340+ defenses to fit your app, eliminating work for your engineering team. When threats arise, mobile businesses and developers need options. You can’t block every attack, and you also need inline data to decide on each response. With Appdome, you get granular data on each threat and attack, along with complete control over threat response in your application.

Pipeline Automation?

Yes, Plugins and Dev-APIs.

Appdome supports all DevOps automation tools with Dev APIs and pre-packaged plugins for major CI/CD vendors. With Appdome, you can modify and adjust your defense settings on the fly and keep your CI/CD pipeline running smoothly.

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Automated Testing?

Oh yes, you can.

We want you to perform performance testing and evaluate user journeys in your Appdome-protected application. That’s why we created a trust framework for top-tier test automation vendors. Use our Build2Test features to run your Appdome-protected app in these environments without missing a beat.

Best Performance?

You know it.

The performance of your Appdome-protected application is just as important to us as it is to you. We keep 1 billion DAUs running smoothly with excellent metrics across platforms, devices, and operating systems, and we’ll do the same for you. Ask about our pre-launch testing service!

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Total Protection Guarantee™
Protect Your Mobile Business Without Limits

Automated Agility
for the Mobile Business

Build by build, Appdome evaluates your app’s structure and frameworks and builds the defenses you’ve chosen into your app, complete with the bindings, business logic, and stitching needed to make everything work smoothly.

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Mobile Compatibility
Without Challenges

Mobile operating systems and devices change frequently. Appdome’s mobile defense offerings adapt to these changes, often ahead of the GA release of new OS and devices, to keep your mobile business running smoothly.

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Mobile Defense
For All Attacks

Appdome’s platform is a learning system that constantly evolves to meet the requirements of new attacks and threats targeting your business. Let us know if you encounter a new threat we haven’t seen. You’ll get that for free!

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SRM™ is the Perfect Complement
to Existing DevOps CI/CD Pipelines

Learn how easy it is to use Appdome in your existing CI/CD pipeline to automate, build, release and monitor mobile app security, anti-fraud, anti-malware and mobile anti-bot defense in Android & iOS apps with ease. Use Appdome's Build2Secure Dev-API or any of our prebuilt plugin integrations with top CI/CD tools like GitLab, GitHub, BitRise, CircleCI, Jenkins, AppCenter and more.

Appdome's GitLab CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for GitLab CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. GitLab CI/CD is a leading platform for continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous deployment of mobile apps.

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Appdome's Bitrise CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for Bitrise CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. Bitrise is a leading fully-hosted mobile DevOps and CI/CD platform, used to deliver mobile app releases faster, with confidence.

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Appdome's Bamboo CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for Bamboo CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) server used to automate the release management for a mobile app, creating a continuous delivery pipeline.

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Appdome's TeamCity CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for TeamCity CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. TeamCity is a general-purpose CI/CD software platform that allows for flexible workflows, collaboration and development practices.

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Appdome's GitHub CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for GitHub CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. GitHub Actions allows developers to automate workflows directly within the GitHub repository.

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Appdome's Travis CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for Travis CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. Travis CI enables faster deployment with CI/CD automation.

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Appdome's Postman CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for Postman CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. Postman is an API client tool that helps with testing. It lets you configure requests and send them with various controls and environment set-ups.

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Appdome's Azure Pipelines CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for Azure Pipelines makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. Azure Pipelines automatically builds and tests code projects.

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Appdome's Jenkins CI/CD Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure plugin for Jenkins CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. Jenkins is a leading developer tool for CI/CD, simple CI server or continuous delivery hub for mobile app development projects.

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Appdome's CircleCI Orb Plugin

Appdome’s pre-built Build-2Secure Orb plugin for CircleCI CI/CD makes getting mobile app defenses to market fast extremely easy. Automate build, code signing, and certification of mobile app defenses in Android & iOS apps with ease. CircleCI is a leading CI/CD platform offering industry-leading speed, delivery at scale, and confidence with every commit.

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Using Appdome DEV-APIs

Appdome offers full DEV-API documentation for customized integration into any mobile CI/CD pipeline. Use Appdome's pre-built scripts or build your own scripts to leverage multi-task, single task, build, certify, test, code sign mobile application and other key actions in your mobile DevOps pipeline. See the full API Documentation today!

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Appdome's Build2Test API

Appdome offers mobile developers a unique option to complete automated QA testing of secured Android & iOS apps without disabling security features in the app. Test the fully protected app in any automated mobile app testing services like Saucelabs, Browserstack, Kobiton and more. Meet your release timelines with ease.

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Accelerate AppSec Delivery

Integrating mobile app security and anti-fraud defenses into Android and iOS apps at DevOps speed requires automation, control, and CI/CD pipeline integration. It also demands AppSec release orchestration to manage, certify, release, and monitor security defenses in the CI/CD pipeline and production.

Appdome delivers comprehensive mobile app security and anti-fraud defenses for Android and iOS apps through a unified platform, ensuring DevSecOps compliance with every build and release.

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Blog Using 3 Levels Of Data In Mobile Devsecops

Using 3 Levels of Data in Mobile DevSecOps

Anyone that knows me knows I love golf.

Golf is a challenging sport because it involves so many variables. A big part of golf is knowing, or playing with someone…

Knowledge Base Illustration

Explore Mobile CI/CD Security Knowledge Base

See “step-by-step” guides and deeper technical information on Mobile CI/CD integration for mobile app security, and the technology and features that make Appdome work. Every day, our technology solves tough mobile security, SDK and API integration challenges for 10,000s of developers, B2B, B2E and B2C app makers, mobility and security professionals.

Search Appdome Solutions

Ai Driven Attacks With Tampering Blog

AI-Driven Scams and Fraud

As AI-driven attacks become more sophisticated and common, developers and organizations must keep up. With AI agents, liveness and voice recognition checks no longer matter. That means app makers…