Appdome is a Mobile DevSecOps platform and as discussed in a previous blog, offers a Mobile DevSecOps workflow. With Appdome, Dev teams can apply developer best practices to the process of releasing security features to mobile apps. Sec teams can control the security features in mobile apps, and Ops team can easily integrate Appdome-secured apps in their release processes. And Appdome’s Mobile DevSecOps workflow can be fully integrated into the existing workflows, without any team needing to change their existing process.
Appdome Fully Integrates in the Dev, Sec and Ops Processes
Appdome is much more than a no-code solution to build mobile app security and fraud prevention into mobile apps. The following Venn diagram shows how the different parts of the Appdome Mobile DevSecOps platform and workflow integrate in the DEV, SEC and OPS processes.
Integration with Development
For mobile developers to adopt new technology, it is important that this technology does not require them to make any changes in how they build their apps today, and that this technology will support their future needs as well. Appdome offers the mobile developer total freedom in how they build their apps. All that is needed to build a secure version of their app, is a compiled binary. This binary can be in the ipa or bitcode format (for iOS) or the apk or aab format (for Android). In addition, the binary can be built using whatever development framework and programming language the developer uses, including Swift, Objective C, Java, Kotlin, C, C++, React Native, Flutter, Ionic, Cordova, Maui, Xamarin, Unity, Phonegap, and more.
Integration with Security
CISOs can use Appdome to take full control over the security model they want protect their apps with. Appdome’s easy-to-use, point & click UI allows the security team to build their desired security and fraud prevention features into any iOS or Android app, without the need for the Dev team to do any work to the app.
Integration with Ops
An Appdome-secured app does not conflict with any health monitor and crash analytics tools, like Crashlytics and bugsnag, that have been added to the app. The Appdome API also integrates with tools like Fastlane that are used by the Ops teams to prepare the app for distribution to public app stores like Google Play and Apple App Store.
Intersection between Dev & Sec, Sec & Ops and Dev & Ops
The Appdome APIs integrate with CI/CD tools including Jenkins, GitLab CI, TeamCity, Travis CI, Bamboo, CircleCI, Codeship, Codefresh, Azure DevOps, Azure Pipelines and others. As a result, the Appdome DevSecOps workflow can be fully integrated into the existing DevOps workflow, without any need for changes to that workflow. In addition, Appdome comes with a set of powerful tools like Fusion Sets (templates for security builds), Fusion Set versioning, Fusion Set Freeze, Fusion Set Sharing and Teams that allow for the Dev, Sec and Ops teams to collaborate on building secure apps. And finally, Appdome’s Certified Secure certificate provides all teams during the release meeting documented proof of the security features that were added to the app so that the app can quickly be approved for release.
Intersection between DEV, SEC and OPS
Appdome’s Threat Events allow for the Dev and Sec teams to fine-tune the app’s response to any threat it is protected against. And Threat Events can be configured for the app to pass any telemetry data to the application layer, from where it would be sent across the Appdome encrypted channel to the application server. The application server can then pass the threat information to a SIEM used by the Ops team to monitor and report on the mobile app threat landscape.
Start Using the Appdome Mobile DevSecOps Platform Today
In the last two years, the mobile economy has gone through very drastic changes. Most organizations now fully depend on mobile apps to connect with their customers and users. Appdome offers organizations a proven way to become Mobile DevSecOps ready.
Get started with Appdome’s Mobile DevSecOps platform today. Create your free account or request a demo.